I have touched on this topic in many ways before. As I sit with a cup of coffee, I wonder, how much time do we as humans spend worrying.
Worrying about the future?
Worrying about our children?
Worrying about our parents?
Worrying about money?
Worrying about our jobs?
The list is endless. We are on a spiral of thoughts. So let's take a step back?
When we are in this spiral of worry, which is most often than not a waste of time? Worry can become an addiction and in turn, lead to anxiety. It also saps out a lot of energy out of us.
There are many things that are completely out of our control and there comes a point when we need to come to the realization that we are not in control of circumstances.
But what we are in control of is our thoughts. Is this worry actually giving us a solution?
The last thought that we have before we go to bed, is the first thought that comes up in the morning. So it is important the last 30 minutes before we go to bed are completely relaxed for good quality sleep and to set the tone for the day the next morning.
This worry can also lead to physical stressors and impact our health if there is a constant need of thinking about something that is absolutely point.
It is exhausting to a point that sometimes it consumes us. Instead of constantly staying in a what-if scenario, which is easier said than done, we can bring our attention back to the present moment. But this is a conscious effort and we need to catch ourselves every time we are caught in this spiral. Check if the thought you have is useful? Is it something to be worried about? Do you even have control over the situation?
If it really bothers you, journal your thoughts about the worry and you will notice that it is probably not that important. Make a worry list and cancel out the worries one by one.
Life is uncertain for everyone and we do not have a crystal ball.
This is when you engage in activities that are helpful and bring your attention to your mindful self.
The best we can do is stay in the now and notice the space around us.
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