So sometimes when I am peeling an onion , some of the petals aren't great . So I happen to keep the good one's , sometimes I would like to throw the entire onion if its bad .
But today I want to talk about the layers. We don’t really count how many layers each onion has . I don’t do it :). But I am sure someone, somewhere has .
Just like us we have an outer layer and then multiple layers of emotions, feelings and behaviors. And each of those layers have their complexities. Sometimes we are not even aware of the layers.
But for those of us who are, have been peeling them one by one . Each of our outer emotions for eg. anger also has multiple layers of emotions like guilt or shame .
Now if I had an onion that had bad layers I would just throw off bad petals and probably keep the good ones.
We probably don’t do that enough with ourselves enough. It is important to notice the layers . Feel our emotions especially the one's that do not serve us . And just throw them away. But this is not easy to start with . Most of us are not in touch with our real emotions and are often confused. But it would be worth exploring tools like self reflection or journaling. Sometimes you can figure out these by yourself . But sometimes you need help . Sometimes that help is not accessible to everyone .
We may be nice and pink on the outside, but who are we really :).
Will leave you with that thought. But do not overthink it :).
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