Often times we live in a narrative we have either been fed or our feeding ourselves.
Our thoughts are not always true and it is important that we nip them in the bud.
The story or the narrative we tell ourselves is how we go about our relationships, careers, and social life.
This doesn’t apply to ourselves, it is also the story that we tell ourselves about others. We choose to believe what our mind tells us to. We get fixated on people and put them into boxes because that’s the story we have built around them.
When we come into this world our life is almost like a blank canvas. Maybe not really blank, because we inherit traits, behaviors, or even genes. But outside of that our life experiences start making their way through this canvas. Now our canvas is painted with different colors some bright and some not so bright.
We get to choose the picture we are painting every single day.
Those are the stories we tell ourselves.
We may want to do so many things, almost like a wish list, but somewhere along this road you told yourself I can't or I am not good enough. Each one of deep down knows exactly how and what we want to be. But there are limiting beliefs and there are things that stop us. Changing the story is not easy, its about years and years of self-talk. But it is possible to rewrite the story when you challenge your own limiting beliefs. It is possible to change the script.
Being critical of your own true self is not the best way to go about it. Cut yourself some slack.
As humans, we often define ourselves by failure and success. And it is completely okay to fail.
Are you willing to change your story? Of course that's if you feel the need to.
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