How difficult is it to say NO.?. Why do some of us find it difficult to push the NO button ? You have been assigned a task ,you know the deliverable is not easy to accomplish but you still went ahead and said Yes. Did it make you in uncomfortable ? Yes it did, atleast a little. You have been invited to get together , you don't seem to like the host but you still go . Countless examples of how we have been conditioned to be conformists anyone who doesn't comply with norms becomes an outlier . We face these situations everyday and probably have never been made aware of the fact that sometimes we need to draw our own visible lines . We stick to people who make us uncomfortable and we feel horrible about but there are complex emotions attached . At the end of the day these weigh us down and ultimately manifest into anger, resentment frustration. It is indeed extremely difficult to draw your boundaries. But it is a process. Being vocal and telling someone that they are being a certa...