That type of girl.
A few days ago, I came across this post about a woman sexting and a reference to " that type of girl". Again I wouldn't hold anything against the person who made this judgement. It definitely comes from a place far deeper.
And so I was compelled to write about "that type of girl".
Who is this "that type of girl?".Is she promiscuous because she is sexually liberated, or is she a sassy woman with a glass of wine and a smoke? Perhaps a reasonably independent woman who has the ability and the will to choose a way of life.
Or is she someone in the confines of her home, sleeping beside her partner, secretly fantasising about a man or a woman she has a connection with.
Whoever this type of girl is, I would like to know how we get to this stereotyping. A moral compass is good, but only when you are looking at a mirror. How fair is it to judge someone whose story you haven't lived or known? How many of us have fantasies that we cannot talk about just out of fear?
Being sexually liberated is a choice, and how many times is a woman slut-shamed because of her carnal desires. I am not saying that everyone has this inner desire, but why don't we learn to embrace sexuality as a concept?
Sex by virtue of the word is a primal instinct, and if we didn't live in a world driven by societal norms, we would be at each other like bunnies. That's what animals do. Human beings by nature are non-monogamous; what makes us monogamous is how we have been structured and bring order to the chaos. This is not to say that I promote cheating of any kind. A relationship in my mind is a sacred space.
I am merely questioning a mindset. When we as women name-call women free-spirited or just built to be adventurous, do we realise that we are throwing the curse of shame? We fail to understand that every person is on a path to self-discovery, and every person eventually can differentiate between good and bad choices. No one gives us the moral right to judge another.
That type of girl could be anybody. That type of girl could be abused as a child, heartbroken, or someone who doesn't know what love is.
That type of girl could be someone who grew up in an environment that was liberal and was taught to make her choices.
She could be a happy soul who lives on her terms.
That type of girl could be a girl who wishes she could speak and yell and tell the world she was that type of girl. That type of girl has a heart too and is only human.
That type of girl.!
I get your point. It's just women have been commoditized for centuries in the name of societal norms but things have changed now. GenZ has millenials as liberal predecessors who are open to discuss and are more aware of mental health.